Friday, 9 February 2018

Chilly check-ins...

Before heading back to Dubai, we dropped back into Delray for one more quick visit.

Unprepared for the lingering "arctic" weather but determined to enjoy the sunshine, we bundled up in some borrowed clothes and headed out to the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens.

South Florida and Japan have a century-old connection that started when Japanese farmers were welcomed to the region with goals of revolutionizing farming in the area.  These farmers formed the Yamato Colony in Boca Raton with aims of testing a variety of new farming models and experimenting with new crops.  Unfortunately, the results were disappointing and many in the Colony ultimately left for different parts of the US.

George Morikami was the only member of the Colony to stay in Delray after WWII and went on to become very successful, acquiring multiple acres of land.  In the 1970s, he donated the land to Palm Beach County in hopes that they would turn it into a park that would preserve the memory of the Colony and teach others about the Japanese culture.  The Museum and Gardens opened in 1977 offering a bridge of cultural understanding between the two countries.

The gardens are beautifully manicured and help visitors understand the evolution of the Japenese gardens over hundreds of years.  While many walk quietly and introspectively through the gardens, others take the opportunity to use it as a backdrop for about 100 Instagram photos and posts. 

Of particular note was the Bonsai (pronounced "Bone-Sigh", not "Bahn-Sigh" as we always thought!) Garden which detailed the extensive grooming and pruning process used to create these special trees, as well as the cultural centre which details more about the Colony and Japanese life.

After a chilly but wonderful afternoon, we warmed ourselves at the Osteria Salina, a new restaurant on the Delray strip.  The owner, in from the Hamptons to launch his newest venture,  was doting, generous and funny, clearly knowing how to charm a group he knew was likely to become very loyal and frequent customers.  As we devoured our generously comped dessert and after-dinner aperitiv, we felt satiated and happy - the perfect end to a fabulous trip!

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